Empowering our Community
Weekly Sessions:
Sundays, 6-8pm at Lha Chenpo Ngakpa House RVA. Please use the form below to contact for directions.
Last Sunday of the Month: 6-8pm at Manchester 14 Masonic Temple, walk-ins welcome!
Ivy Stupa Sessions: Led by Lama Konchog Pema. Please contact us for dates and times.
Saturdays, 2-4pm at Raja Yoga Ashram, Please use the form below to contact for directions
Our Sangha
We are a Vajrayana Buddhist Sangha in the Nyingma and Gelug traditions, committed to spreading the Dharma and helping everyday people find peace, joy and mindfulness in their daily lives.
While several of our Teachers and Clergy have taken Monastic vows, we share a focus on the Nonmonastic Community of Ordained and Lay Practitioners, and believe every person can achieve their personal self-realization without the need for monasteries or elaborate temples.
If you have been searching for a Buddhist community south of the James to practice with, curious about Tibetan Buddhism, or are just looking for a friendly place to learn about meditation and calming your mind, you are welcome here!
Meet our Teachers
Lama Norbu Tsering Rinpoche
Lama Norbu Tsering Rinpoche (Dungzin Pema Lhundrub Dorje) was born on the first day of the Wood-Tiger Year to Lama Gangri Tenzin Rinpoche and Kalden Wangmo during Losar celebrations. At a young age, he was recognized as the reincarnation of the abbot of Dolpo Chicher Lang monastery.
He began his religious path at the age of eight, receiving refuge vows from Tulku Tsewang Rinpoche. By age 20, he had completed the Preliminaries and undertaken extensive studies and retreats, including nine years at Samye Jedren Shedra in Nepal. He studied under renowned teachers like Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Penor Rinpoche, and Chatral Rinpoche, mastering the teachings of the Dudjom Tersar and other traditions.
He now teaches abroad and oversees his own monastery, Pema Choiling Drubtra.
Lama Jhampa Shaneman
Lama Jhampa is a student of Lama Yeshe Thubten, Founder of the FPMT, and Ling Rinpoche, the tutor of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, as well as a student of HHDL Himself. He was one of the first Westerners to receive permission from His Holiness to teach, and currently resides in Mexico where he is active in the spread of authentic Dharma.
Lama Kunga Dondrup
Kunga has practiced in both the Theravada and Mahayana traditions for over 20 years, and has received full transmission and commentary of major HYT tantric and Dzogchen cycles, in which he has completed many solitary and working retreats and accumulations.
Ordained by Luding Khenchen Dorjechang, he lived and studied in the monastic system for 7 years and was a tutor to Sakya Dhungsey Abhaya Rinpoche, of the Phuntsok Phodrang, in Delhi, Darjeeling and Kathmandu.
Kunga has taught and led retreats in monasteries and centres in Asia and the UK, where he was resident teacher and co-founder and trustee of a Buddhist charity, before returning to live in Kathmandu.
He is an ardent dog lover and continues his study and practice under the direction of his gurus whilst working as a language professional and freelance writer.
Lama Konchog Pema
Lama Konchog Pema (Ralph Schultz) has been involved in Dharma his entire life. Through his 74 years he has studied with many teachers, including Meher Baba, Taisan Shimano, Rabbi Gelberman, Rabbi Shlomo, Wallace Black Elk and Swami Satchitananda. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, he has studied with many great Lamas such as Khentsen Gyaltsen Rinpoche, H.E. Tritsab Rinpoche, and is a student of Garchen Rinpoche. In 2017 he took ordination under H.H. Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche. He was the spiritual director of the Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco before settling in Appalachia to teach, where he currently resides.
Meet our Clergy
Ven. Tenzin Zangpo
Tenzin Zangpo (Richmond Caldwell) has practiced Buddhism for over 15 years, starting with Soto Zen before transitioning into Tibetan Buddhism. He took his first set of vows with Lama Jhampa in 2022, and has studied with several Lamas in both Nyingma and Gelug traditions, including Lama Jhampa Shaneman, Lama Norbu Tsering, Lama Pema Chophel and Lama Glenn Mullin. In 2024 he studied and received ordination with Lama Norbu in Kathmandu Nepal, and has begun his three year retreat under the guidance of Lama Pema Chophel.
Ven. Dorje Zopa
Dorje Zopa (Chris Patient) is a student of Lama Jhampa and Lama Norbu. In 2023 he completed the Yamantaka Ley Rung retreat and in 2024 studied in Nepal with Lama Norbu where he received his ordination. He has received numerous empowerments with a focus on healing the land and local spirits. He is a US Army Veteran and is an avid proponent of outreach in military, interfaith and LGBTQ+ communities, with a focus on personal healing, development, and mutual understanding.
Ven. Ngyima Dhondrup
Ngyima Dondrup (Maxwell Allen) has been a student of Buddhism for many years. Beginning in the 1990’s he began his journey into Buddhism through his martial arts training and studying Chan Buddhism via Thich Nhat Hahn. During the later part of the 90’s he studied the teachings of Sogyul Rinpoche. In 2024 he completed his Yamantaka Ley Rung and studied in Nepal with Lama Norbu, where he received his ordination. He currently resides in Williamsburg where he continues his studies in Buddhism and is pursuing a Master’s degree in Anthropology. Ven. Ngyima teaches and leads practice sessions at Pema Choiling Williamsburg.
Ven. Rigdzin Sonam
Rigdzin Sonam (Chris Buckwalter) is a student of Lama Norbu and Lama Glenn Mullin. He took his vows in 2023, and has assisted in leading several retreats. In 2024 he studied with Lama Norbu in Kathmandu where he took ordination. He focuses on Dzogchen and Lamrim, with a laid-back approach to the Dharma that works to connect people with their innate Buddha-nature and laugh off the stressors of their lives.
Ngakpa Simon Wilson
Simon Wilson, (Nyima Chodak) had been trying to, unsuccessfully, develop a meditation practice for a decade before fully committing to the Buddhist path of practice in 2020. They are now devoted towards helping others cultivate their own path towards a more loving, compassionate life. Deeply motivated by the struggles of BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and working class peoples, Simon is committed to the collective liberation of all sentient beings. Having received Ngakpa Ordination in the lineage of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Simon now studies under Lama Konchog Pema.
Ngakpa Karma Wangdu
Karma Wangdu has practiced Buddhism since leaving the USMC in 2021. Since then he actively has pursued the path of peace and self-understanding via study with Lama Jhampa and Lama Glenn. He took his Genyen vows in 2022, his Ngakpa vows via Lama Glenn in 2024, and later that year completed his Yamantaka Ley Rung retreat. Karma seeks to draw from his experiences in the military to better help his community heal and grow together. He resides in Williamsburg where he assists in teaching.
Contact Us
For more information, on regular or special sessions, events, and empowerments, please fill out the form.
(We will never share your information or use it for marketing.)